24 Eylül 2013 Salı

Yazmacılık ve Ebru adında AB Projesi

Tokat'ta Youth Projects Volunteers gençlik grubunun dezavantajlıların sosyal anlamda kendilerini geliştirebilmeleri, kültürümüzü ve sanatımızı uluslararası boyuta çıkarmayı hedeflemek amacıyla AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığı'na yazdıkları proje kabul oldu. Yerelde Valilik ve Gençlik Merkezi'nin destek verdiği projede katılımcılar yerel el sanatlarından olan yazmacılık ve ebru yapımını uygulayarak son gün ise sergi açtılar.

6 Haziran 2013 Perşembe

History of TOKAT



It is located in the city center. It was built in 1572 during the reign of Sultan Selim II. It is a complex consisting of a mosque, a Turkish bath and a mausoleum. The tombs of Ali Pasha and Mustafa Bey, his son, are also in the backyard of the mosque. It reflects the feature of 16th century Ottoman architecture and Mimar Sinan's style, the mosque has onlya single dome and a minaret surrounded by square walls. There is a saying which goes: ''The door of the Meydan Mosque and the architecture of the Ali Pasha Mosque are uniqeue.''


It was built on steep rocks near the city center. The castle, which was built for defending the city, was also used as a prison for well-known figures in the past. It was renovated first by the Seljuks and then by the Ottomans. There is a mosque and warehouses and the commander's mansion on the top of the castle.

It is known that there is a 362-step stair known as the Deer Road, which connect the castle to the city center. It is believed to be constructed in the 5th or 6th century B.C. It provides a magnificent scenery of Tokat. The panaroma of Sulusokak, an area mainly consisting of historical buildings, creates a nostalgic feeling. There is Ayar Rock above the highest tower of the castle.


Constructed in 1631, Tashan is a major Ottoman structure. There is a big inner court at the center of the two-storey inn, which was constructed of cut stone and brick as a square structure. It has 112 rooms and a mosque in addition to porches looking to the court at both floors. Tashan adds a different flavor to the area where it is located. A project, aimed at transforming the building into a nostalgic caravansary without changing its architectural features, is under way.




one of the rare Anatolian cities, which have preserved their historical and cultural features, is a gateway in the Central Black Sea Region connecting the Black Sea to Eastern and Central Anatolia.

With a great potential for culture tourism thanks to its 600-year history the city has preserved a lot of cultural, monumental and civilian structures constructed during Danismend, Seljuk and Ottoman eras and during the initial years of the Republic in addition to ruins of cities built during ancient civilizations.

As regards the gastronomy tourism, the city has some local specialties including Tokat Kebab, which is named after our province, honey with cottage cheese and stuffed broad bean and a variety of vegetables and fruits with the exception of citrus fruits. Traditional handicrafts such as forget copperware, Block Printing which has a history of 600 years, weaving and traditional garments.


(Action 1.1) Living Legends: Block Printing and Turkish Paper Marbling

Youth in Action
Action 1.1 Project
17-26 July 2013

Living Legends: Block Printing and Turkish Paper Marbling

Project Summary;  
Like in our country, traditional handicrafts have lost out to technology and industry an deven some of them have changed or destroyed in or city. We enable the participants to improve their hand skill and to create their own production with Block Printing and Turkish Paper Marbling that fights to survive despite all these negative effects.
Block Printing is one of the oldest types of printmaking and has been around for thousands of years. Turkish Paper Marbling is a technique of transferring color to paper without using a paintbrush. Block printing and Turkish Paper Marbling are also an excellent way to produce a something that is truly handmade, but can be very easily replicated.

            Türkiye,   Fransa,   İtalya,  Bulgaristan
            Turkey,  France,  Italy,    Bulgaria

·         Totally 5 people from each country (over 18-25 and including the group leaders).
·         Totally 4 countries (including Turkey)
Each partners will participate with five participants. The participants must be keen on studying and researching. Also,they must be art lover. They must have curious about short film and handicrafts. These characteristics are important for sustainability of the project effectively.

Place of activity;
The activity will happen in Tokat and there is an airport in Tokat but there are a few flights. The best is to book for the airports in Samsun and Merzifon.
Your flight tickets must be economy class.
There is no need to buy the tickets now. You will be informed about this.

Contanct Person;
Youth   Projects  Volunteers

*** As soon as possible the activity programme and route will be sent you.
*** These characteristics are important for sustainability of the project effectively.

information package for participants